Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's a date!

Well, the clinic has all my records and test results and the contract has been signed, so finally, they gave me a transfer date today!  In just one short month, on December 20th, I will have either one or two embryos transferred into me to become pregnant. That's just 5 days before Christmas!  What an amazing Christmas present for the parents!

So, here's how it's gonna go down.  This Friday, November 22nd, I will take my last active birth control pill.  On Monday, the 25th, I will go to a clinic down here in Orlando to get baseline blood work and a scan done.  After that, I will start injecting myself with the medication.  I bet a lot of you didn't know I'd have to do that, huh?  Yup.  I have to inject myself with one medication in the stomach and the other medication in my caboose.  I'll start off with just the medication in my stomach and the other medication will be started shortly before I transfer.  Both medications are to trick my body into thinking I'm already pregnant so it doesn't reject the embryo/s.  I'll have bloodwork done every couple weeks, just to make sure my body is responding normally to the meds.

On December 19th, I will fly up to CT again and spend the night.  On the 20th, the transfer will happen.  I will have to lay around in bed for 24 hours, and then fly home on the 21st.  I'm kinda hoping I land early enough on the 19th that maybe I can sightsee a little bit in NYC.  I'll most likely fly into La Guardia again.  I'll be making this trip solo since I already know what to expect and my hubby and I don't want to leave our son alone too much this holiday season.  We'll both be working like crazy as it is.

It's funny, though, because earlier today, I was thinking about how difficult the process has been this time around.  It seemed to have gone much more smoothly last time.  I think because I felt much more rushed this time and stressed out about having to get everything done in a timely manner.  I had a random thought, though, that now the hard part is done and the pregnancy will be easy.  I realized that for so many women, pregnancy is not easy and becoming pregnant is not easy.  That's why I'm a surrogate.  I'm blessed to have relatively (for the most part) easy pregnancies and have no difficulty becoming pregnant.  I don't take that for granted.  I'm so thankful to be able to help families out in this way.  I can't wait to share the rest of my journey with all of you!


  1. OMG! This is so exciting!!!! Let me know if you want company! I'd love to hang out while your in my home state <3

    1. If I have time, I definitely would love to hang out! Once I have all the travel arrangements, I'll be better able to tell you my schedule. :-)
