Thursday, January 9, 2014

Oh, Hallelujah

Today, I had my first ultrasound.  It wasn't a normal ultrasound.  Because I'm not very far along at all, they had to do a transvaginal one.  Let me just say, it's beyond uncomfortable.  But, you do what you gotta do.  Anywho, everything looks fantastic.  It's all normal.  The baby's heartbeat was right on track for how many weeks I am.  According to when I had the transfer, my due date is September 12th.  However, the baby was measuring a week ahead.  It's still really early, though, so that can change.

The best part of today, however, was that I found out I'm pregnant with only one child.  Honestly, I'm pretty happy about it.  I was scared that the egg would split into two and I would have twins again.  I would've been okay with it if I had and I would've carried them.  But, I know what a toll it would have been on my body.  This way,  I'll do surrogacy at least one more time after this.  If I was having twins, this would've been the last time.  No worries, though.  :-)

I got a couple pictures to give the parents and sent them a picture of one of them.  Naturally, they're ecstatic.  I'll more than likely have an ultrasound once a week to make sure everything is progressing normally.  Bloodwork will be once a week, as well.  The nausea can go away any time now.  I'm so over it.  Lol.

Another highlight of today was that Matt got to do his kids race!  He did the 200m dash at the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Kids Races.  He did such a great job!  He started off strong and never slowed down or stopped.  It's a vast improvement over the last race, when he broke down right before the finish line and dropped down to the ground and started crying.  I'm excited to see the official pictures of today's race.  Here are some pics I took!

Before the race, so excited!

After the race, before heading home.

That's all for today!  Tomorrow, I run my 10k with some friends and I'm pretty excited!  The parents are excited, too.  Their baby gets to run in his/her very first race!  Don't forget to leave any comments/questions!

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