Monday, December 16, 2013

Are you ready, Freddy?

Well, there's only 3 more days until I fly up to Connecticut for the transfer!!!!!  I've started all the new medications, including the injection in my hiney, which causes it to be sore.  I'm alternating sides each day, so the pain is distributed evenly.  Unfortunately, I am sick right now, but the nurse has said that it's fine and won't affect anything.  It's just uncomfortable for me.  The parents are sick, too, so hopefully we're all over it before Friday.

The transfer will be at 2pm on Friday afternoon.  I'll have to go for medication about an hour before the transfer and make sure I drink 32 ounces of water because, according to them, I need to have "an uncomfortably full bladder."  No lie.  Those were their exact words.  I'm still not sure if they're implanting one embryo or two, but I'm fairly certain it's one.  The procedure really only takes a few minutes, but I'll have to lay flat for about 30 minutes or so, and then I'll be able to get up and use the bathroom, which I will need desperately.  After that, I'll just go back to the hotel and relax.  It looks like I'll also get to see a friend I haven't seen in a few years!  I'm super excited about that.  It's always great to see old friends.

So, for now, I just have to try to de-stress before Friday and relax.  I'm making sure I'm taking all the medications when I'm supposed to and I'm trying to get enough sleep at night.  I'll probably pack quickly Thursday after work.  I'll have to check my bag because I'll be bringing the needles and medication with me.  I'll also need to get some runs in before I leave since I won't be able to run on Friday and probably Saturday as well.  Saturday evening, I will be working at 4:30, but it won't be anything strenuous.  I'll just be working at Fantasmic at Disney's Hollywood Studios.

The pregnancy test will be on December 30th, 10 days after the transfer.  Hopefully, it's "Happy New Year!  You're gonna have a baby!"  I'm excited and I'm ready!  Let's go!


  1. You are doing a wonderful, selfless service, Elizabeth...don't think I could do this...I applaud you!
