Hey, all! So, I know I promised a recap of the Celebration Half, but I've hit the "always tired" stage of the pregnancy. I don't want to do much of anything. However, I'm hoping I can get the recap up today or tomorrow.
So, yesterday, I had another scan and some blood work again. The ultrasound went great. Everything looks wonderful. The baby is measuring right on time and the heartbeat was awesome. Oh, and I even got a video of the little munchkin moving for the parents! I sent it to the mom and she was so happy, she cried. Of course, when she told me that, my hormones kicked in and I cried a little. I'm just so glad I can do this for her and her husband. I can give them part of their family. :D
A lot has happened the last couple days. I'm officially registered for the Cinderella Royal 5k at Princess Weekend at the end of the month. Since I have to back out of the Glass Slipper Challenge, at least I'll still get to participate in the weekend. I've also decided I'm going to buy something at the expo. Maybe a shirt, maybe a Bondi Band, who knows? Yesterday, I bought my first maternity clothes (some shirts for work) since Old Navy is having an awesome maternity sale! Old Navy has my favorite clothes, so I definitely took advantage of that. I also got Matt a few new pairs of shorts since he's growing out of what he has. Who knew kids grew so fast? Lol.
On Saturday and Sunday, I'll be participating in the Moms Run This Town winter virtual race. My local chapter has organized a run for those of us who want to do it with a group of people. Saturday, I'll be volunteering at the finish line, cheering other mamas on and giving them their medals. I can't wait!!!! On Sunday, I'll be walking the 5k. Woot woot! I'll be making some special treats for afterwards. Thursday night, before it all happens, I'll head over with Matt to the chapter leader's home to help put together the swag bags for the run. Did I mention my chapter leader was Olivia? Yup. I know this really awesome mama because of Moms Run This Town. That's how I met Kirsten, too. :-) They welcomed me with open arms into the group and my life was forever changed. I couldn't be happier.
Today, I got a message from another mama who said that she's in awe that I'm a surrogate. Since she met me, she's been doing a ton of research on surrogacy. I love knowing that I've helped someone else discover what surrogacy is really all about. Educating people is a wonderful part of being a surrogate. People assume it's all about money and it's not. For me, it's about helping a family that has already been through so much. I love knowing that I can help make dreams come true. Of course, working at Disney allows me to do that, too. ;-)
Oh, an update on Disney. Health Services is STILL waiting to hear back from my management team about whether or not they'll work with my restrictions. Meanwhile, I've been put on the schedule for next week. Health services has no idea why and has told me to NOT go in until they call me to tell me I'm good to go. I've put in a request for a transfer because apparently, Health Services can't do that. I'd like to go back to work soon, so keep your fingers crossed it gets figured out soon.