Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Tale of Two Cookie Cupcakes

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.   Ok, not quite.  It's definitely NOT the worst of times.  It's pretty much just the best of times.  We've got a healthy baby growing and we'll be moving soon, so hopefully that's going to get all settled rather quickly.  I've already signed Matt and I up for our next race, which will be a 2-miler in a couple weeks.

So, last week, I told everyone that we already know what gender the baby is and that I would reveal it soon.  A lot of people have been asking me, so I decided that today, I would reveal the gender.

Are you ready?

Two cookie cupcakes

Is it a girl...

Or a boy?

IT'S A........


Monday, February 24, 2014

The Cinderella Royal Family 5k and Kids Races

Well, this past weekend was Princess Half Marathon Weekend.  It was full of activities including an expo and 3 races!  I was originally supposed to take part in the Glass Slipper Challenge, which was the 10k on Saturday and the 1/2 on Sunday.  Well, after Celebration, that plan got nixed.  So, I decided that I would do the 5k on Friday.  At least I got to do one race.  Of course, I walked the entire thing.  I also decided that Matt would do the 5k with me.  It was his very first one and I was so proud of him when we crossed that finish line.  He walked the entire thing with me.  We had to stop a couple times to let him rest and take some water, but we finished in about an hour and a half.  For a pregnant woman and a 4-year-old, I think that's pretty darn impressive!

We started in Corral D, so we started around 6:45 or so.  We ran a tiny bit as we crossed the start line, but quickly slowed down to a walk.  Matt started to get upset because "those other people are faster than me."  He stopped moving and started pouting.  I crouched down and explained to him that as long as he crossed that finish line, he would win.  There was a lady that was nice enough to help me out in convincing him and we started moving again.  He had a few more moments like that during the course, but we managed to move past them.  We only stopped for one character photo with Princess Ada from Bugs Life.  He didn't want to see any of the other characters.   We hit the first mile marker shortly after that and we figured out together that we had 2 more miles to do.  Hey, why not turn a 3-mile run into a math lesson?

In Epcot walking around the World

We met Princess Ada!

We did well the rest of the walk.  About 10 feet from the finish line (I'm not exaggerating), he had a total mental breakdown.  He started bawling, wouldn't move, etc.  I still have absolutely no idea what happened.  The only thing I can think of is that it was super loud (we were near the announcers and speakers) and he just got overwhelmed.  I spent a couple minutes just hugging him and calming him down.  I persuaded him to cross the finish line with me (he insisted on walking across it, instead of running) so we could go eat breakfast at the race retreat courtesy of a friend of mine that had extra tickets.

His very first 5k medal!

After we ate breakfast, it was time to do his 200m dash at the Kids Races.  While we were eating breakfast, he kept saying he didn't want to run it, but I knew he'd be upset later if he didn't.  So, I convinced him to go ahead and run it with me.  We had to wait until all the Mickey Milers and 100m dash racers were done.  It felt like forever.  There were 4 or 5 100m dash waves and they were set off like 5 minutes or so apart.  When you have a bunch of 4-6 year-olds who are still waiting to go racing and are very impatient, things get a little tense.  Finally, it was our turn to head over to the start line.  We managed to get into the first wave of runners since at that point, I really just wanted to go home and I think he might have, too.  He wanted to run the entire 200m, though, so once they shouted "GO!" we went for it.  He did GREAT and was super happy to get his 2nd medal of the day.  Not even gonna lie, I was jealous that he got twice the bling.

His official picture with his Kids Race medal

Twice the bling!

Overall, we had a really fun day.  We left Epcot around 10am and he passed out before we even made it onto I4 to get home.  He's already said he wants to do another 5k, so I'll have to find a really fun one for him.  It looks like his next kids race will be during Expedition Everest weekend in May.  The kids races then are a mixture of an obstacle course, a scavenger hunt, and a run.  I know he'll have a blast.  I can't wait for all the fun he and I will have running together!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My first OB appointment

So, today was my first OB appointment since I got pregnant.  The doctor told me he was happy when he found out I was pregnant again.  He knew I was going to do surrogacy again and he's glad he can be along for the second journey, just like he was for the first.  He's also glad it's just one this time.  Lol.

Everything looks good.  He said I'm definitely pregnant, just in case I didn't already know.  ;-)  He didn't make any comment about the weight gain (17 pounds since I got pregnant).  I know I need to stop the weight gain, but I don't know how.  It's frustrating for me.  I know it's not healthy.  I'm looking into starting meal planning and preparing my meals for the week, hoping that will help.

The parents had some cool news for me today.  When the clinic did all their tests on the embryo, they found out what the sex was.  I remember them telling us at the transfer that they weren't going to say what it was at that time.  Well, apparently, because I'll be 12 weeks on Thursday, they told the parents what they're having.  I won't reveal it here just yet.  I want to do a big surprise, probably in a week or two.

Alternating between super nauseous and wanting to eat EVERYTHING continues.  I know it's contributing to the rapid weight gain.  The ginger candies the parents sent me help a lot and they're sending more.  The doctor did say I could walk and swim, thankfully.  I'll be doing the Royal 5k this weekend and I'm trying to see if Matt can do it with me.  It would be his first 5k and I know he'd have a blast.  I'm also volunteering on Thursday morning at the expo.  I plan on buying one thing at the expo, but I have no idea what.  Lol.  Any suggestions?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

No more butt shots!

So, at the last ultrasound and blood work, everything came back great.  Soooooo, I have blood work to be done Monday morning for the LAST TIME!  I finished the last of the medications on Friday, including the butt shots.  Yay!!!!  I realize I may sound a wee bit too excited about that, but seriously, if you'd had to give yourself a shot in the butt EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. for like 2 months straight, you'd be pretty thrilled, too.  The worst part of the shots?  Whenever I tried to run or even walk quickly, my butt would be sore.  It would take like 15-20 minutes to get it to feel normal again.  So frustrating.  

Anywho, everything's looking good.  I know I've gained way too much weight way too quickly.  I need to curb the cravings and my impulse to give into them.  I'm hoping I can get some help on that from my doctor.  I have to make an appointment with him in the next couple weeks.  I'm going to continue walking unless he tells me I can't even do that (I may cry for days if he does).  Tomorrow, I have my MRTT Winter Virtual 5k Walk with my local MRTT group.  Some mamas did today and some are doing tomorrow.  I volunteered today and it was a BLAST!  I love cheering my fellow mamas on and putting their medals around their necks.  

The parents are super sweet and called me the other day to see how I was doing.  Oh, and update on Disney.  The area manager called me and said that as of right now, they have to keep me on a leave of absence through the end of September because there is apparently no position in food services that will not require me to be around chemicals.  I'm not sure if a cashier would need to be around chemicals, but they're getting Labor Relations involved and hopefully they can find something for me.  They apparently don't just transfer people because of their restrictions.  I have to wait til I've been with the company 6 months, though I'm not sure if they'll transfer me if I'm on a leave of absence.  I'm praying they find something for me or I'll have to find another job to substitute Disney until I have the baby.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Moments like this...

Hey, all!  So, I know I promised a recap of the Celebration Half, but I've hit the "always tired" stage of the pregnancy.  I don't want to do much of anything.  However, I'm hoping I can get the recap up today or tomorrow.

So, yesterday,  I had another scan and some blood work again.  The ultrasound went great.  Everything looks wonderful.  The baby is measuring right on time and the heartbeat was awesome.  Oh, and I even got a video of the little munchkin moving for the parents!  I sent it to the mom and she was so happy, she cried.  Of course, when she told me that, my hormones kicked in and I cried a little.  I'm just so glad I can do this for her and her husband.  I can give them part of their family.  :D

A lot has happened the last couple days.  I'm officially registered for the Cinderella Royal 5k at Princess Weekend at the end of the month.  Since I have to back out of the Glass Slipper Challenge, at least I'll still get to participate in the weekend.  I've also decided I'm going to buy something at the expo.  Maybe a shirt, maybe a Bondi Band, who knows?  Yesterday, I bought my first maternity clothes (some shirts for work) since Old Navy is having an awesome maternity sale!  Old Navy has my favorite clothes, so I definitely took advantage of that.  I also got Matt a few new pairs of shorts since he's growing out of what he has.  Who knew kids grew so fast?  Lol.

On Saturday and Sunday, I'll be participating in the Moms Run This Town winter virtual race.  My local chapter has organized a run for those of us who want to do it with a group of people.  Saturday, I'll be volunteering at the finish line, cheering other mamas on and giving them their medals.  I can't wait!!!!  On Sunday, I'll be walking the 5k.  Woot woot!  I'll be making some special treats for afterwards.  Thursday night, before it all happens, I'll head over with Matt to the chapter leader's home to help put together the swag bags for the run.  Did I mention my chapter leader was Olivia?  Yup.  I know this really awesome mama because of Moms Run This Town.  That's how I met Kirsten, too.  :-)  They welcomed me with open arms into the group and my life was forever changed.  I couldn't be happier.

Today, I got a message from another mama who said that she's in awe that I'm a surrogate.  Since she met me, she's been doing a ton of research on surrogacy.  I love knowing that I've helped someone else discover what surrogacy is really all about.  Educating people is a wonderful part of being a surrogate.  People assume it's all about money and it's not.  For me, it's about helping a family that has already been through so much.  I love knowing that I can help make dreams come true. Of course, working at Disney allows me to do that, too. ;-)

Oh, an update on Disney.  Health Services is STILL waiting to hear back from my management team about whether or not they'll work with my restrictions.  Meanwhile, I've been put on the schedule for next week.  Health services has no idea why and has told me to NOT go in until they call me to tell me I'm good to go.  I've put in a request for a transfer because apparently, Health Services can't do that.  I'd like to go back to work soon, so keep your fingers crossed it gets figured out soon.